Friday, May 11, 2012

Final Blog!!

In Megan Webb's blog she states a lot of facts about what is going on with Texas Public Education. How Perry denied to participate in a federal program that could have brought money into Texas' Schools. How standardized tests are detracting from an actual education. All in all she highlighted some strong points about why and how Texas' Schools are failing and are ranked at the bottom when compared to other schools in the nation.

We know this but how are we going to fix it? That is the one thing she does leave out. You can point out what is going wrong, but I believe that you must also point out what can be done to improve the situation.

First of all it seems that a lot of people including Rick Perry would much rather let the private sector take over education. Corporations like IDEA Charter school, a school that is trying to come to the East side of Austin. It might be my paranoid mind but in a lot of ways when you start to see dollar signs on our children's foreheads this is a problem. It makes me think that people like Perry and other politicians would like to get rid of the entire 'money drain' that is public education and sell it off to the highest bidder. We can not let this happened.

We need to make politicians understand that education is important and more important we need them to let schools do their jobs and not scare them with standardized tests or the possibility of being closed down and replaced if they fail. If they are worried about money we can start implementing a more fair tax rate and maybe even start a state income tax, which yes you would have to amend the Texas constitution, but Texas is used to that right? Being that Texas has one of the highest amended constitutions what is stopping us? Is it that the more well off are scared they might have to forgo on of the many luxuries they currently posses to make our state a little better and our children more educated?

We need a reboot! I say this all the time. We need new people in our government. People who are actually connected with the working class, people who have not been corrupted. We need a big change soon otherwise it will start with the children losing their ability to access a decent education.

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