I first wanted to write a blog about a
blog that I agree with. I found that a little too easy. I have
decided to delve into seeing how the other half thinks and I stumbled
on this guy who writes a blog named “Urban Ground.” I will try
and keep my opinion to myself and just focus on this particular post
and the arguments he makes and try to see if he backs it up with any
evidence what-so-ever.
About the Author, I think he says it
“I’m a conservative, a biker, a
Veteran, a professional writer, and a blogging enthusiast in the
heart of uber-Liberal Austin, TX.
I’m an opinionated sonofabitch. I’m hardly ever politically
correct — I won’t accept race, gender, age, religion, or
political ideology as an excuse for stupidity, and I’ll call
bullshit every time I see it.”
His intended audience is not people like me that is for sure. From
the looks of it he is writing for others who share his beliefs. As a
writer he really needs to learn to form better arguments with
supporting evidence not just, “What I say is right and that is the
way it is, America FUCK YEAH!” he sounds like most white privileged
males I love to hate because of their ignorance of how the rest of
the world lives, feels, and acts. He seems like someone who totally
believes in the whole “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” and
"Work harder to obtain the American Dream!.”
What I have to say to him:

In his post titled “
A Final Word onSandra Fluke (for now)” he talks about what he calls the supposed
“War on Womyn,” in a mocking tone, not a war at all. He quotes
some one named Laura who has summed up his argument for him as to why
contraceptives should not be paid for using tax dollars. The first
argument is, “Contraception…is a luxury item, like deodorant or
marijuana. You do not actually need it to live. It does not
facilitate your fundamental survival, except perhaps in very very
rare cases. There are other people who lack actual necessities in
this world, and the importance of their needs transcends your
childish want for “free” coochiepills rather profoundly.”
Although, in some cases it could be looked at as a “luxury item”
I find this argument absurd. I can give an example with evidence, which he is lacking, as to why
contraception is a need not a luxury item. There are
many woman who suffer from diseases that affect their their
menstruation cycle and the only way to regulate that safely is by
prescribing contraception, such as, birthcontrol. Here are some
statistics to support my argument against his argument, I see that he
does not have the evidence to back up his claim.
Percentage of American women
taking birth control pills who use them, in part, for purposes other
than pregnancy prevention, including reducing cramps or menstrual
pain, regulating their periods, reducing acne and treating
endometriosis. About 14% of pill users — or 1.5 million women —
rely on the medication exclusively for non-contraceptive purposes.
Among teens, the proportion is higher: girls aged 15 to 19 who use
the pill are more likely to do so for non-contraceptive purposes
(82%) than for birth control (67%), and 33% of teen pill users report
using birth control pills solely for reasons other than
contraception.” [
Guttmacher Institute]
That does not seem like a small number
to me or how they put it “rare cases.” This is anything but rare.
Also, another thing about their first argument is they say there are
other “necessities in this world” you can not just say that
without explaining what those are. I might think that chocolate cake
on Friday is a necessity but that does not make it right or more
important than the health of women around the country.
Now, on to the second argument they are
making, “Contraception…is f*cking cheap. The Hell is wrong with
you? Are you telling us that women are goddamn helpless infants, and
should be proud of it?"
Ok, there is so much wrong with this
statement. What the Hell is wrong with you and YOUR bullshit argument? Contraception is not cheap. Here are some prices per month
a woman has to spend: Yasmin, one of the cheapest contraception pills
on the market will run you around $80 for a months supply. This is
not cheap. How many people are jobless in the US right now? Using the
argument “It is cheap” can hold no ground. What might be cheap to
you might be unattainable to me and could be the choice between
eating or collapsing in pain and being bedridden once a month, like
so many woman I know who suffer from these “rare” conditions that
birthcontrol treats.
Argument three, “Contraception…is
not free just because someone else- someone better at taking care of
themselves and others than you are, you selfish twit- paid for it.”
This one actually just seems like an insult to those of us who can
not find a job or are students who support ourselves living paycheck
to paycheck. The well-off and privileged need to check themselves mainly
because those who make more actually pay less taxes. So, it appears
the poor actually pay for their own “free” birthcontrol.This is another example of the "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" logic that is plaguing America, turning it and its citizens into intolerant assholes who only look out for themselves and their bank accounts.
for the the last little statement, “Helpful idiots from the left
will lead us all into slavery” Once again I am a little confused.
What does any of this have to do with slavery or leading us to that?
at the end of the blog there is a video of Romney dealing with a
heckler saying “You know what would make me happy free
birthcontrol” Romney replies with “Vote for the other guy, that
is not what I am about.” The video ends with Romney talking about
how much the US has borrowed and how candidates offer free to stuff
to get the vote but he says he is not going to do that. I just have
one thing to say to that, cool Romney if you do not want to offer
free stuff and stop the US from going further into debt, what do you
think about the war? How about taxing the rich?
know this particular blog post is not directly related to Texas but
in a way it is. Currently, we have a governor
Rick Perry who thinks that
funding to Planned Parenthood is a good idea. This has caused Texas
to lose its funding from the federal medicaid program. There is a war
on women
right now and it is coming from the right. This blog is just one
example of its effects.
This is for good old Rick Perry: