Sunday, February 12, 2012

Blog Stage Two

What the frack is fracking? Hydraulic fracturing is a method using water and a mix of other chemicals to get oil and gas from deep within the earth. It is a very controversial method and many environmentalists are against it for some good reasons. If you like to drink water from the tap or take those long showers, then you will be interested to know what might be affecting your ability to do so. The Texas Tribune released an article about some interesting regulations that have now gone into effect as of February 1, 2012. Not only will drilling operators have to start reporting what kind of chemicals they are using in their water mixture, but they will also have to report how much water is being used. This is very important information in a state like Texas where we suffer from droughts and water can become scarce. Texas is not as strict as other states when it comes to these types of regulations, but having this information will help determine the long term effects of this method and its impact on our water sources and the environment.

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